Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Disease of Cancer

The cancer is a disease which is caused due to formation of abnormal cancerous cells in the patient’s body parts. Such unusual cancer cells grow and multiply at an increasing speed.

It is extremely important to prevent such abnormal cells from growing further in the human body. They harm and make the health of the patient worse day by day. The cancer cells make use of the blood as well as the lymph system present in the human body to spread to other body parts.

It can’t be said that cancer is a single disease. It represents various diseases that occur in the cells of the human body. It is not at all safe for the patient to leave the cancer present in his body untreated. The cancer cells can grow to a large extent and can badly affect the patient’s life as well as result into death.

Types of Cancer:

There are various types of cancers that can get formed in the human body. Depending on the place of formation of the cancer cells, the cancer gets its name. Some of the cancer types are mentioned below.
•    Esophageal Cancer
•    Pancreatic Cancer
•    Anal Cancer
•    Blood Cancer
•    Bone Cancer

Cancer causes:

The cancer cells can be formed or the cancer can be caused due to a number of reasons. The actual cause of cancer can be known when the type of cancer is known. There are some common causes which are responsible for any type of cancer caused in the human body.
 They are mentioned below.

•    Health problems
•    Age factor
•    Smoking Habits
•    Immune system problem

Cancer symptoms:

The symptoms of cancer prove to be the early signs of cancer as they help in detecting where the cancer cells have formed.
Some common symptoms of cancer are as follows:

•    Pain
•    Fatigue
•    Losing strength
•    Changes in bowel
•    An unintentional weight loss

Cancer is very vast medical subject. If people want to know more about what is cancer, they should approach their health care provider and discuss it in detail. 

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